Tips and Tricks #1 - Using Notes

Maturity Mapping Example

Notes are generic pieces of text that you can place anywhere on a map. They can be versatile and allow you to add more context.

Here is an example of using adding additional context from Maturity Mapping onto the map. The evolution axis has been changed to Novel, Emerging, Good and Best.

Template (copy and paste into your map)

// Map setup.
evolution Novel->Emerging->Good->Best
note New to us [0.035, 0.01]
note Not well understood [0.01, 0.01]
note Trying this out [0.035, 0.18]
note Can begin to explain [0.01, 0.18]
note Getting to grips with this [0.035, 0.41]
note Room for improvement [0.01, 0.41]
note Nailed it [0.035, 0.71]
note A practice we've established [0.01, 0.71]

note Unmodeled [0.06, 0.01]
note Divergent [0.06, 0.18]
note Convergent [0.06, 0.41]
note Modeled [0.06, 0.71]


Maturity Mapping Example

To get started with this template click here to clone this example.